Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Still in Love !!

I don't know what happens to people when they fall in love!! Even I am in love and think as if I am a totally different person all together. You just don't listen to the mind, the beats of your heart take control. You do what u'r heart wants you to do... and it's as if everything else has lost it's taste and the flow of time has slowed. Your mind tries to take control but then who can help those who have fallen.......fallen in love.

I just can't comprehend what is it that drives my heart to her, my soul to her..... myself to her. I guess it is her eyes, those mysterious black eyes!! I once tried to look into them but...but could not dare to look longer, because of the fear of being bewitched by them. Bewitched I am by her the charm of her slender beauty. She is as beautiful as a winter morning when there is chill in the air but at the same time warmth of the sun.....I want to feel the warmth of her beauty. I want to listen to her sweet soft voice that are like the sounds of the rivulets echoing in the air. Like the melody of a heart broken lover, that croon..... Her voice creates ripples in the quiet ocean of my heart, her smile makes the cruel world so innocent and .....

Come to me O love come to me for the sake of my life, take everything else from me but come to me......There is darkness of doubt all around me it is you who can give me light, light of life... I know it's tough but even the sun rises after a long slumber night...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
