Thursday, January 15, 2009

An Expensive Mobile Phone

A Rs. 20,000 phone! Although when seen in isolation, the amount seems nothing more than just an envious expression of awe. But when he started reiterating it again and again, I started thinking. Why would someone buy something which serves a purpose no more than encoding and decoding telecommunications? He went to an extent of comparisons, between him and me. Although the whole process seems pointless but at the end of it I was caught thinking. Was it just a consequence of many materialistic vagaries that I share with today’s vox populai, infected with the bug of consumerism? Or was it an expression of my identity, expression of my capability to put to rest any apprehensions raised towards my financial prudence? Or was it actually a purchase made purely based on the assumptions of economics that says “the consumer is rational”?

I think it is a mixture of all the three. But to put it simply, it is a result of a carefully planned investment. It’s not as if the purchase was made impulsively. I had been planning for it since quiet some time now. I had specifically saved for it. I went to the store with her and she was happy that I was able to buy the phone. It is not at all taxing since I planned this purchase and it doesn’t hurt because the phone has so many features. The phone is a state of the art communication device and any word about it would be an understatement. Life is short and I think that if I have a certain desire that is achievable, then I think I should fulfill it. Why not? People think of holiday in Rome and what not! A swimming pool in their backyard, an expensive jewelry set, a romantic date, a night to remember, an expensive house with a sea facing window, a Porsche, a beautiful girl friend, a diamond chandelier, a lazy boy, a warehouse of wine…and the list goes on. Then why so much fuss about my phone? At least I achieved what I wanted. It’s been a week since I’ve bought the phone and he has not stopped buggering me over it. I sure do want to tell him how good it feels when you draw out an expensive phone in a group of people and they ask you about it. Man the look of eagle in their eyes is just worth the money.

However…I need to go now... got to give it at the service centre, some mouthpiece problem. It will take some time since the parts are not easily available.

1 comment:

Pankaj Mishra said...

Jha, I beleive has a knack to step into others shoes and then mock at them. Its an achievement though. To step into another's shoe and then put things in perspective is very difficult.

But he excels in the same. Someday, he will direct a blockbuster.

Good going Jha.