Tuesday, December 29, 2009


A few days back I saw a person hurriedly calling out to his friend passing by in a vehicle, as it turned out that person was his friend. But the interesting part was that the friend he called out was wearing a mask. As in, a thin towel covered a good part of his face and shoulders, which made him perfectly unrecognizable. I was waiting for a bus and started thinking. Would I be able to recognize a friend (If I knew he would be around in the same city)? And the most incorrect of examples flashed in my mind. The first one was Gaurav.. well I would recognize him since he is bald (jokes apart!) Kshitij, of course he is as tall as a giraffe, I’v spotted him on a railway station in Delhi. Pankaj, well u know he is on the darker side with oily hair. Ajit for his spects and chubby fingers and Karn for his long neat hair.

The point is that the brain and eyes establish little signposts for themselves to recognize people you really are close too. It won’t take you even a nanoth of a second to decipher the look in the most creative of camouflages.

The point is not even that, its just that its been so long since I’v seen u guys…

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Up or Down its the same..

Read an interesting fact in ET 2day. "As many as 640 directors of public listed companies took home more than Rs. 1 Cr for year ending March 2009, compared to 570 in the previous year." The article further states that the figure could go up to 3000 people getting that amount if all the companies (listed or unlisted) are included.

Well I am sure these people showed exemplary skills at warding off the ill-effects of the recession and lead their companies through innovation. Also I am sure they proved to be a real value creators for their companies. But given the fact that it was also a time when many people were asked to reconsider their salaries, these guys should have declined the bounty!!

Well so much for the "Self Actualization Need" Theories!!

Saturday, July 04, 2009


Travelling in and around the city, going for numerous salescalls, meeting 100s of people makes me realise that this is going to be a very interesting project. At the same time it will be challenging! The brand helps only so far that the customer is ready to listen to you.. "Oh I Know you, what is it this time?" after that the show is yours. It takes a coordinated effort from everyone involved, from people in the warehouse to the final salesman.

The most ineterseting part is that the smaller the buyer (in terms of volumes) the harder is he to bargain with.

Monday, March 02, 2009

The Paint Brush

The fire is settling down on the horizon and the journeys of eternities finally take a pause, just to start afresh. I suddenly think of the man who saw the first light. Did the cold rays made him jump with joy or they embarrassed him by revealing the secrets he was hiding? But my thoughts are veering again. What else can I do than just stand near my window and think. I think about the colours I used today. I have been noticing a pattern these days. I’ve been using more of red than the others... Red is both the colour of dawn and dusk, love and violence, hope and despair. These ambiguities keep my empty days busy. I think more of colours than people. I would fondle with a green in my room than taking a stroll in the park.. But why? Have the colours on my life’s canvas gone so out of hand that I prefer orchestrating them on paper? It’s as if I draw a plan every morning and fail it by night. But alas my pale thoughts drift into black.

These days I wake up with a pain in my head and surprisingly I go to bed with a deep contentment. The unknown day makes me tense and I feel safe in the darkness of night. I am thinking less about the people around me and more of the colours on the walls that surround me. As if they are closing in on me. And at the end of the day I relax, knowing that I survived another day facing those walls.

Although you would feel that all of this is stultifying, but I assure you that it’s not. It happens when you are unemployed for a time longer than a paint brush. And then the brush grows to keep up, to point where you forget the difference between time and the paint brush.

Shit I need a job...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

An Expensive Mobile Phone

A Rs. 20,000 phone! Although when seen in isolation, the amount seems nothing more than just an envious expression of awe. But when he started reiterating it again and again, I started thinking. Why would someone buy something which serves a purpose no more than encoding and decoding telecommunications? He went to an extent of comparisons, between him and me. Although the whole process seems pointless but at the end of it I was caught thinking. Was it just a consequence of many materialistic vagaries that I share with today’s vox populai, infected with the bug of consumerism? Or was it an expression of my identity, expression of my capability to put to rest any apprehensions raised towards my financial prudence? Or was it actually a purchase made purely based on the assumptions of economics that says “the consumer is rational”?

I think it is a mixture of all the three. But to put it simply, it is a result of a carefully planned investment. It’s not as if the purchase was made impulsively. I had been planning for it since quiet some time now. I had specifically saved for it. I went to the store with her and she was happy that I was able to buy the phone. It is not at all taxing since I planned this purchase and it doesn’t hurt because the phone has so many features. The phone is a state of the art communication device and any word about it would be an understatement. Life is short and I think that if I have a certain desire that is achievable, then I think I should fulfill it. Why not? People think of holiday in Rome and what not! A swimming pool in their backyard, an expensive jewelry set, a romantic date, a night to remember, an expensive house with a sea facing window, a Porsche, a beautiful girl friend, a diamond chandelier, a lazy boy, a warehouse of wine…and the list goes on. Then why so much fuss about my phone? At least I achieved what I wanted. It’s been a week since I’ve bought the phone and he has not stopped buggering me over it. I sure do want to tell him how good it feels when you draw out an expensive phone in a group of people and they ask you about it. Man the look of eagle in their eyes is just worth the money.

However…I need to go now... got to give it at the service centre, some mouthpiece problem. It will take some time since the parts are not easily available.