Thursday, August 06, 2015


I woke up with a start. Grabbed my MOTO G 2nd Gen for time and saw it was 10:00 am. Yet again I realized that I had too much of it last night.  With a throbbing headache I was wondering when this would stop. I also knew the answer. I pinged my boss that I was not feeling well and crashed back to bed. But the human body is as stupid as the dog chasing his own tail. With an ashen face I was trying to sleep and yet sleep like my ex-girlfriend kept eluding me. So I decided to get up and make a cup of tea for myself. I do that every morning. Making tea in the morning is like making a to-do list for me. But somehow I just went about like a robot on auto pilot. Kapil would still be sleeping as it’s his off today. I dare wake him up. I manage Tea and a cigarette, but my head cannot manage the weight. Its 12 noon. The sun here around this time acts as if it knows how to act like a sun….I oblige and draw the curtains. I feel somewhat hungry but I wait. My job has no leaves, I always work. I open my laptop light another cigarette and work through the maze called work. Its 2 now. Kaps would usually be up by now and feed me with the days’ news. I always wonder if he gets news in sleep…. I don’t know. But he isn’t up yet. This is just like last month. Once he woke up at 5 in the evening and scolded me on how the bread was stale. I was wondering because I had brought bread only that morning. I think he has supernatural smelling powers. But then you know I am just catching a tail. I ignore it and make an omelet for myself….

I wake up with a start again…its 6 pm. The dog finally caught its tail. Since it was still quiet around, I figured Kaps is still sleeping. But he was not supposed to sleep so late today. He was to start packing as he had a late night flight back home. I thought its good for him, ma and papa. Some days off from work is always better. One should always make that concession for family. Kaps is always keen on going to Delhi. He loves it there. Me myself look for every opportunity to be with them. But then the flight is in a few hours and he has to pack too. I wonder if he is ok. And as I get up to check on him the phone rings. Its Kaps, I as usual say “salam aleykum” that’s what we say to each other when we talk on the phone. I think he is downstairs asking if I need something, but he says he reached Delhi…… I don’t know when this will stop...... I guess I know the answer…..