Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Staight From the Gut

“If you like business, you have to like GE,
If you like ideas, you have to like GE.”
Jack Welch

“Jack-Straight from the gut” is written by former chairman and CEO of GE, Jack Welch, who over a period of 20 years turned GE into a $450 bn colossus, earned himself a reputation envied by any CEO around the world. In this book he brings together his professional and personal life with the management philosophy that was fundamental to his success.

Throughout the book Jack has talked about his vivid experiences in family and GE that taught him a lot of things. He considers his mother his foremost teacher who taught him to stand up to failures with grit. It is this grit and determination that earned him admirers throughout the world, including his boss and ex-CEO of GE, Reginald H. Jones. So much so that he appointed Jack as his successor, despite the fact that he was young and not very experienced.

Jack became CEO of GE on April 1, 1981, when GE was a $25 bn company, employing 404,000 employees with yearly earnings of $ 1.5 bn with around 500,000 plus shareholders. This was the time when he was given the name “Neutron Jack.” Reason being he went on a high cost cutting spree, laying off more that 100,000 employees by 1985 and selling a lot of business like the house wares.

The book seems to be an explanation given by him as to why he did all this. And it seems that he has been successful in bringing the point home. What Jack saw when he joined GE in 1960, was that though GE was huge, it was walking on weak legs of bureaucracy and shortsighted goals. These were something that he felt would destroy GE. As soon as he became the CEO, he made sure that the functional structure of GE was boundary-less, where there was free flow of ideas. Jack believed in facing the reality. And the reality was that GE had to change. It had to look for long-term sustenance and work with more passion and rigor towards this objective.

For this he introduced the concept of 4Es (Energy, Energize, Edge and Execute). He wanted GE to be No. 1 or No. 2, which he clarified in his first rendezvous with The Wall Street in 1981 as the CEO. He then goes on to discuss the methods adopted to achieve his goals. For this he uses examples of the $6.3 bn RCA acquisition in 1985, the revival of GE Capital into a $370 bn (assets) company, Six Sigma, Globalization and a few bad patches like the acquisition of Kidder Peabody, which proved to be a mistake.

All in all, the entire book gives an insight into the brain of the “Manager of the Century” (Fortune Magazine, 1999). It shows how his passion and love for new ideas and concepts changed GE. He took GE from people with conventional thinking and laidback attitudes to a high energy environment place that only believed in excellence, in whatever it did and does. It makes you understand how a good manager results in a good company and why it is necessary to take tough and unpopular decisions in order to reach the top. If there were a subject called “Applied Management” then this is the book to refer. Anyone who manages anything has something for him to learn. However, one has to be a bit patient with the myriad number of names and details. But in the end, the book is worth a read.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Do You Really Feel The Joy!!

"As long as you derive inner help and comfort from anything, keep it. "

We always wonder what is it that can define complete happiness. Is it something materialistic or something spiritualistic. We always look for comfort or joy in everything we pursue...have you ever seen someone running behind his own doom..maybe not. We all run for what we want. Be it lord Buddha or be it some imbecile moron, both these people want peace. The quality of joy depends on what they seek.

Someone finds peace in just sitting alone watching the sun rise to it's ultimate beauty or someone finds joy in giving up life for the sake of the country. Gandhi found peace in helping others and Hitler maybe by troubling them. But in the end we all run behind something. Maybe aspiring for that one thing is a kind of joy.

Even I want something that would keep me happy, contended and maybe unnerved.

It is what we aspire for defines the quality of our personality. If that thing that decides whether we are spiritual or materialistic. Meera Bai left everything for the lord whom she had not even met, Bhagat Singh went ahead and sacrificed on the altar of his motherland at such a tender age.

The purpose of giving these examples is that once we decide on what is that one thing that we need to satiate ourselves, we just go ahead and make efforts to grab it. It's like Bryan Adams "Everything I Do " (Don't laugh Suttu) I know a friend who always had this passion to be an orator and he went pillar to post to achieve his goals and today he is working for a reputed T.V channel. He has achieved all this on his own. This is because when it came to that one thing he loved he used to defy the world to do it.

So guys if you know that this thing, this person, this place gives you the best feeling you have ever experienced then don't hesitate, just go for it. Don't think twice. If there is even a small amount of doubt in your head then back away, it's not what u want.

They say god works in mysterious ways and you have to recognize that. People who end up not getting the amount of joy they expected were the ones who did not try to feel it at the most early stage. You just don't decide overnight or maybe a friend said and you agreed, you have to give it a serious thought. this is where meditation and stuff like that comes, you have to think on things in deeper ways, be it career or your family or beloved.

Every aspect of life that gives you pleasure is important when you feel it deep down you soul.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Yesterday I saw a drunk man sitting on the footpath trying to gather his entire strength just to stand on his feet, upright. I've also been drunk once aand just can't remeber what all I did. But as my friends tell me I proved to be one hell of an asshole..... I was just swaying while walking and talked all about someone whom I didn't know, but surely loved! Now is that possible to do in saner circumstances (Lets keep my poet friends out of it!)

What I have realized is that when u r drunk you try to force away all the manners u'v learnt throughout u'r life. If u don't do that then u'r not drunk. Because the only purpose u drink is to forget u'rself. Why else would someone drink?? when we are sane we create cobwebs around ourselves, family, friends, beloved, society, etioquettes et al. that the way to face life. I don't think so. By getting ourselves drunk we find an excuse to run away from life. We start blaming others for our current circumstances, but deep down we must realize that it is us who have put ourselves there sanely or insanely...... I am an astout believer in god and always upheld the view that god always gives us what we want (sooner or later) and it is us who despise him for giving that to us...later.

OOOPs I hope that was not a sermon that I wrote....Jyaada pee lee shayad!!
So guys the next time we all raise a toast in the name of life just remember that it is life that we will be running away from !!

Thursday, March 09, 2006



The snow, so peaceful and serene,
caressed by the soft moonlight,
gave magical feelings to the night.
The soft blue glow,
the lovers' words that then did flow,
their lips closer and closer
until, locked in the throes
of a passionate embrace,
he decided to express his feelings,
to keep her safe.
He whispered softly,
his words like music to her ears,
"I Love You,"
and her response the same,heard like the gentle breeze,
"And I, love you, forever."
That was the night they promised
to be together through everything,
each to care for the other when old and gray
A lovers' pactthe most likely to last.


If asked why I love her I would say
It’s the sway in her hips,
the thickness in her thighs.
It’s the lust in her lips,the love in her eyes.
It’s the softness of her skin,
the silk in her hair.
It’s the twist in her walk;
it’s the sweetness in her talk.
It’s the way she loves me
that makes me love her each day.
That is what I would say.


Love is like magic
And it always will be.
For love still remainsLife's sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in lifeThat love cannot change!!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heartAnd not with its mind!!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks...
Love is the language,
That every heart speaks.L
ove can't be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
Is life's sweet mystery!!


Love feels no burden,
thinks nothing of trouble,
attempts what is above its strength,
pleads no excuse of impossibility...
It is therefore able to undertake all things,
and it completes many things,
and warrants them to take effect,
where he who does not love would faint and lie down.
Love is watchful and sleeping, slumbereth not.
Though weary, it is not tired;though pressed, it is not straitened;though alarmed, it is not confounded...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Still in Love !!

I don't know what happens to people when they fall in love!! Even I am in love and think as if I am a totally different person all together. You just don't listen to the mind, the beats of your heart take control. You do what u'r heart wants you to do... and it's as if everything else has lost it's taste and the flow of time has slowed. Your mind tries to take control but then who can help those who have fallen.......fallen in love.

I just can't comprehend what is it that drives my heart to her, my soul to her..... myself to her. I guess it is her eyes, those mysterious black eyes!! I once tried to look into them but...but could not dare to look longer, because of the fear of being bewitched by them. Bewitched I am by her the charm of her slender beauty. She is as beautiful as a winter morning when there is chill in the air but at the same time warmth of the sun.....I want to feel the warmth of her beauty. I want to listen to her sweet soft voice that are like the sounds of the rivulets echoing in the air. Like the melody of a heart broken lover, that croon..... Her voice creates ripples in the quiet ocean of my heart, her smile makes the cruel world so innocent and .....

Come to me O love come to me for the sake of my life, take everything else from me but come to me......There is darkness of doubt all around me it is you who can give me light, light of life... I know it's tough but even the sun rises after a long slumber night...

Monday, February 27, 2006

Just for her

I am in LOVE!!

Even a thought of her gives me goosebumps!! She is so pretty, so soft and so elegant. Every word she speaks is music to my years.. And those little signs that she gives me ooof, man just make me go insane. Why is it that I just wait for her calls? Why is it that I just want to be with her? Talk to her? Just don't do anything else?

All my thoughts start and end on her.I just can't get her off my mind. I just cannot live in peace, when she's not around! When she leaves, it's as if she is taking away a part of me with her, maybe the whole of me... Even in a crowd I feel lonely, even the best of humor is dry to me... Even writting all this down in an aimless series is just a way to remember her, her face what light in those twinkling eyes. I see myself in them, is she thinking about me, does she feel the same as I do?

The world is meaningless without you, I can pay any price to be with you...........

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Well I am forced to express this but today is valentine's and I am still alone. I always carried the thought that falling in love is never true, you fall for the person, his/her physical attributes, the outer self of his/her. I think that the word "love" gives people an excuse to meet, make friends and then.....

Love for me always signified that divine feeling which exists between a mother and her child, a father and his young son, the teacher and the student the god and his follower. This is because, the said are not formed with any motive behind them, they are all motiveless, they are just transfer of care and concern from one person to another. And deep down I am happy with this meaning of love!

But recently one of my friends had a break up and he was really disturbed with the incident. As if he has lost a fortune, even in a crowd, I bet, he must have felt alone. We talked a lot a'bt this and really the love he has for this girl just shakes my perspective. Love is not just physical attraction, it is that feeling that acts as a magnet to bring two souls together. It makes you sacrifice everything you have just to be with that person you love! As if you are this differant person all together. It's just something that goes beyond definitions for those lucky few that have felt it.

BUT, what if you loose her, do you sulk? do you just stop living? do you give up everything else that was there? I say no!! It's because love in it's purest sense means giving up. Giving up for the person you love! Have you ever seen a beautiful flower in the garden. Have you felt like plucking it and decorating it in your house? But what will happen if you try and pluck it and take it inside? Soon it will loose it's beauty and fragrence. Why? because you took it away from the place from which it derived all it's beauty- the soil, the sun, everything. Sulking and cursing the girl that has left you is nothing but trying to kill the divinity of the love that you once had for her. The real love is to just let her live like that and trying to feel the beauty of it............

And if you truely loved her, she will come back..........................................